söndag 12 augusti 2007

SUS i Världen

Följande mejl trillade in idag:

Dear Mr. Haglund,

I am a great football fan and as a collector of metal lapel badges of football- and sport clubs I would be very grateful and happy for sending me please the metal lapel badge (klubbnål) of the SuS IF.Thank you very much in advance and good luck to all members of your club! Have a trevlig sommar!

With the best greetings,

Gottfried Balzli

Eftersom jag gillar samlare så tänker jag skicka en till honom. Det bli antagligen samlingens kronjuvel.

3 kommentarer:

Johan seidefors sa...

å andra sidan - här har du ju verkligen chansen att casha in! "Dear Gottfried - special price only for you. Ten pins for only € 10 each"

Daniel sa...

"Package include special pin with Nicke and Jojje and their matching pink shoes..."

Axel sa...

Det är ju den jag skickar, bara!