fredag 9 januari 2009


Number Two, No. 2, or similar may refer to:
2 (number), the number #2, the pseudonym of American musician Paul Gray, when performing with Slipknot
No. 2 (band), an American alternative rock band
No. 2 (film), a 2006 New Zealand film, also:
No. 2 (soundtrack), the soundtrack to the film
Number Two (film), a 1975 film directed by Jean-Luc Godard
Number 2 (Austin Powers), a character from the Austin Powers films
Number Two (The Prisoner), a character from the British television series The Prisoner
Leoben Conoy aka Number Two, a character from the 2004 TV Series Battlestar Galactica
Number Two, from They Might Be Giants's album, Here Come the 123s
Numbuh Two, a character from the animated television series Codename: Kids Next Door
Jackass Number Two, a 2006 comedy film
Stanley, an engine from Rev. W. Awdry's Railway Series; see Mid Sodor Railway
a minor character in the Douglas Adams novel The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; see Minor characters from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
a euphemism for defecation, as opposed to urination (Number 1)
Leoben Conoy from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series.
Dale Bogle, PMC
Benny Carbis, Bsc

Tvåorna enligt Tarot
Tvåorna representerar det hela som går itu, månen, drottningen, silver, Yin, det feminina, dualiteten, motsatsernas balansering i harmoni, liv och död, tröskeln mellan olika världar, fred, union, relationer, speglingar, ekon, kompromisser, att fatta beslut, urskiljning, möte, du och jag, men också något helt som går sönder, konflikt, krig, splittring och separation.

Number definitions
0. Everything or absoluteness. All
1. Individual. Aggressor. Yang.
2. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin.
3. Communication/interaction. Neutrality.
4. Creation.
5. Action. Restlessness.
6. Reaction/flux. Responsibility.
7. Thought/consciousness.
8. Power/sacrifice.
9. Highest level of change.
10. Rebirth.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...


Tack för allt de här två åren.

Ettan sa...

Grattis STJD. Fortsätt blogga!

Björn sa...