söndag 13 september 2015

Matchrapport? SUS-Azzuri

What's Matchrapport?

Vilken berättelse ska en matchrapport egentligen berätta? Den om de senaste 90 minuterna, eller den om de senaste 40 åren? Vad är ens en match? Och varför fokusera på Azzuri när hela världen svämmar över av elände. Perspektiv. Vem är det som försöker mörklägga det som egentligen pågår? STJD lämnar över ordet till Black Star, som paketerar frågan på ett mer relevant sätt: WHAT’S BEEF?  

Beef is when a gangster ain't doing it right,
And other gangsters then decided what to do with his life.
Beef is not what these famous niggas do on the mic,
Beef is what George Bush would do in a fight. (that's right)
Beef is not what Johan said to Azzuri.
Beef is SUS and fotboll not being here with me.
When a player ends his career because he's so old,
Beef is trying to figure out why this summer was so cold.
Beef is oil prices and geopolitics;
Beef is Iraq, Stadshagen, and Gaza Strip.
Some beef is big, and some beef is small,
But what y'all call beef is no beef at all.
Beef is real life, happenin every day,
And its realer than the points we gave to Azzuri-ay
This has been a Black Star/SUS P.S.A.
From Mos Def, Johan S, Pretty Flaco, Black Dante,
From the Black Star Embassy B to the K!

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